Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Walking the dog(s), one of life's simple pleasures

I completely forgot to mention in my previous blog that I walked all three dogs at the same time Saturday. Well, I did it again today.

I bought two retractable leashes for the pups. For Harry, I use his trusty heavy-duty 6 foot leash. It takes a good amount of coordination to keep two puppies and a full grown shepherd in toe, but I have to hand it to them, they figured out how to stay out each other's way pretty well. They nearly immediately figured out their formation and have stayed in it both walks. Dakota on the left and front, Harry in the middle and driving the pace, Ginny on the right and behind Harry. The rectractable leashes allow the pups to stop and go at their pace eleminating the need to jerk them around by the necks as one dog lags and another races forward.

Crossing streets and turning corners took a little practice. Ginny hesitated at each street crossing as if she were being asked to wade through bile. On the first several corners their formation would break while turning a corner, requiring me to juggle the leashes from hand-to-hand, spin, twist, and untangle, all while trying to avoid stomping on them.

Fire hydrants are Harry's vice. Each and every one must be carefully inspected, for what, I have no idea.

At one point Harry felt nature's call, and not to lift a leg. I had bags with me, but I discourage this kind of behavour. A quick rebuke and he decided he could hold it.

As we returned home, Harry was gasping and the pups had lost only a little spring in their steps. Of course Dakota spotted another dog walker with a big hairy beast at her feet; a boston terrier. It was all I could do to get him to keep walking while sounding the alert to all nearby terriers that a beast was in the midst.

We get home, and I walk them through the gate to the back yard, and of course Ginny is terrified of the gate and won't pass the threshold. After unclipping the 2 boys, I pick up the girl and carry her across, set her down and unclip the leash from her.

At this point a great wail and gnashing of teeth came from behind the house. Turning the corner I find the neighbors dachsund, Cooper surrounded by all three of my dogs. Now Cooper is known to be a hyper little fellow, but at this moment, being outnumbered, he willfully submitted the traditional sniff test.

No unpleasantries ensued, and all four looked happy to get to know each other. I knew that the neighbors would be looking for Cooper, so I swept him up from the fray and took him back to his family.

We spent the remainder of the evening watching the Cubs win (almost a no-no for Zambrano), watching Law and Order, and now 2 episodes of the x-files. I should have gone to sleep hours ago, but I've been half watching the tube and half working on some new web site content for my company. It's about time the site actually reflected the work we really do :-P

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