Saturday, July 29, 2006


Amidst the buzz and chirps of summer’s night

The river dances in the nearby light

We used to sit and watch this ballet

Of water and trees with their gentle sway

And so tonight as I sit alone

Contemplating a life I had not planned

As my soul begins to moan

A tear traces my cheek, falls to my hand

Alas, you’re not here, not by my side

Only an emptiness left when you died

And in the void I no longer see

The abundant love you had for me

My eyes still see your form

My arms still feel your touch

Your devotion kept me warm

I miss you so much

Saturday, July 22, 2006

We send a prayer to begin again

Long ago when You created man
What was Your master plan?
Eternally destined for damnation
Or generously graced with Your salvation?

Modern armies wage ancient war
Carrying on our tradition of horror.
Age and time grant no sanity
Only earthly proof of our inhumanity.

Weary of Your children’s plight
Life’s struggle seemingly too hard to fight
Bodies ravaged with blight and dearth
Call into question man’s own worth

Brotherly love seems only an illusion
Malice and hate’s constant delusion
Can’t You hear Your children crying
As they watch each other dying

No religion, no nation, no race
Are exempt from this fateful disgrace
Of the remnants of our past
Of the atrocities that last

The arrogance of the day
So confident of having found the way
How much have we really changed?
Or have we just become more estranged?

Take us in Your arms
Protect us from life’s harms
For we can’t pay for the loss
Of our hope hung from the cross

How many times will we fail You
Before you say we’re through
Eternally stained with original sin
We send a prayer to begin again

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Happiest Moments

Since my posts have been somewhat deep and depressing lately, I thought I'd brighten things up a bit and hopefully get you involved as well. Try posting this on your site, encourage your friends to do the same, and see how many people it ripples through.

The top 10 happiest moments in my life thus far. (I'm sure I'm leaving many out, but I have to pick 10)

1. The births of my four children (i didn't cheat and use up 4 spots :-b)

2. Falling in love with my wife

3. My wedding

4. Falling in love for the first time

5. Accepting Holy Communion for the first time

6. Receiving forgiveness after 21 years of not going to confession

7. Watching my sons participate in baseball and wrestling

8. Watching my daughter sing in choir

9. Shopping with my daughter when she was a toddler

10. Collecting the check from the sale of my first company

Photo Friday - Summer

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Take away my eyes

Take away my eyes

So I can no longer see

The temptations of life

That lay in front of me

Take away my ears

So I can no longer hear

The cries of need,

Hunger, desperation and fear

Take away my tongue

So I can no longer speak

Against those I love and hate

Withhold my critique

Take away my body

So I no longer ache

From the stress of living

Too much to take

Take away my passion

So I can no longer feel

The torments of desire

The anguish of zeal

Take away my life

For which there is no reason

To witness another day

To endure another season

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by ddurbin123.


Originally uploaded by ddurbin123.

Hi ginny

Hi ginny
Originally uploaded by ddurbin123.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I dream of a day

I dream of a day, a day when people awake each day to come to the aid of another; when we work for the good of each other and our needs are met through a society of altruism, love of all life, human liberty and the pursuit of happiness for mankind. A day when what defines success is measured in terms of deed rather than greed.

On this horizon is a life where we are slaves to this society and this culture no more. We will reshape them in a way that there will be no disadvantaged; no disenfranchised. Greed and treachery will not be rewarded, but shamed to the point where they will never darken our lives again.

Violence, greed, inconsideration, slothfulness, deceit and hate not only eliminated, but impossible.

We will cultivate patience, understanding, tolerance, respect, generosity, knowledge, confidence, health and strength. A culture will blossom where the sick are cared for and healed happily by those able; the weak are carried; the lost are guided; and where differences are cherished and used for the good of all.

Each generation will grow stronger from the harvest of our labors. Each LIFE cycle will yield stronger stock ensuring that the dreams remain alive.

Economies will not be measured in monetary but in humane terms. Leaders will be selected based on character rather than image and avarice. News will uplift, not by spin, but in the truth of a renewed human spirit.

Each individual will rest nightly feeling loved, needed, and useful with a purpose for the next day, next year, and the remainder of life.

Can you see it? Do you dream of it too? Is this your vision? Can you believe it? How can we make it happen?

You must believe it. If it is your vision, you must believe in it. Be life entrepreneurs. Redefine “human nature” to “humane nature”.

Photofriday - Happiness is....

So happy
Originally uploaded by ddurbin123.
unconditional love