Monday, September 04, 2006

2006 Naperville Last Fling Day Two

The day started as any other, well, no... it didn't :-)

I woke up on the couch having apparently dozed off there after returning home last night, and after answering mail and comments. Happily I felt great, aside from being a little parched. Nothing that a glass of water didn't fix.

Got a haircut, fixed my glasses ( oh yeah, my glasses got broke last night 8-0 ), took my daughter to pet the kitties at the pet store, then we went to the stable to watch my wife ride the beast. She's come a long way in the last couple of years with the help of Parelli and Clinton Anderson. I then took my son and daughter to Best Buy as they wanted to spend some of their money on CDs and a video game

After returning them home, I changed my shirt and freshened up to head to the Fling when the telephone becons... it's ADT security reporting a general burglar alarm at my office - GAH!

I hate this. I get one of these about every other month lately. Usually it's someone fat-fingering their code when leaving - I can't for the life of me understand this. Sometimes even the air conditioning will trip the motion detectors. Anyway - it's time to change the call list as I'm sick of having to drive 45 minutes each way to deal with a lot of nothing.

So I get to the office, and of course... nothing. I turn around and finally make my way to get flung at the Fling.

Happilly I get there early enough to catch most of Marty Casey and the Lovehammers. I really didn't know who he/they were - checked out their website earlier and apparently this Marty guy was on some reality TV show to try to win the lead singer gig with INXS... anyway, he came in 2nd.

The Lovehammers rocked the park with an awesome performance. Casey has some pretty wierd moves, like Michael Hutchence of INXS too. Since Casey's a local boy, he had a ton of fans - including some of the bands parents :-)

So that was the good. Well, with the exception of Casey's ass hanging out of his pants, which I have the shot, but won't post it ;-p

We waited even longer for Everclear than we did for .38 special.

.38 special was worth the wait. Everclear wasn't. I had fairly high expectations for them and was disappointed. The instrumentation was good, in fact, very good but Art's voice was shot. He couldn't hit the notes and sounded out of breath. I hope it's just overuse or something, cause if they go on the college tour with that act... well, it ain't gonna be pretty. In addition to Art's shot voice, the sound guy crapped all over the park, having the percussion levels way to high, the vocals, as bad as they were were mush, and pure volume, for which there was plenty, couldn't hide the reality. It pretty much sucked with a capital SUCK. It was the suckiest suck that ever sucked.

Oh well.... people were streaming out by 9:30pm, including me, only about 40 minutes after they began.

So, I'm looking forward to tommorow. I enjoyed myself anyhow.

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