The befuddled liberals...
I can only marvel at the level of religious bigotry and intolerance that our national media has risen to since the fall of their moral leader last Tuesday. From the likes of the social deviant Michael Moore, to the intellectual void called the New York Times, liberals are foaming at the mouth to find someone or something to blame for their current political condition: on the outside looking in.
In as much as they couldn't get it right before the election, the self-proclaimed progressives continue to get it wrong after the election. In a national chorus of "we have values too", the left proclaims that George W Bush won due to the "values" voters, which is their code word for "Radical Religious Right". For claiming to be intellectually enlightened, this is a gross oversimplification of election analysis.
The pundits cite gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research as the "values" for which the "religious zealots" came out in droves to support the President. I have no doubt that these issues motivated some to vote who would have not done so otherwise, but I contend it worked both ways.
Look at the exit poll results from CNN (as spurious as they are).
Protestants voted in favor of Bush 59% to 40%.
Disappointingly, Catholics voted in favor of Bush 52% to 47%.
Jews favored Kerry by almost 75%.
The polls don't provide pure numbers, so it's impossible to determine the actual number of religious votes Bush garnered, but clearly it wasn't a runaway.
Gay marriage was on the ballot in 11 states and defeated in 11 states, even in two states that Kerry carried.
80% of the United States populations believes in some God. 78% are Christian. Clearly, many religious people voted for both candidates.
So, why is the press so bent on blaming religion?
They'd love nothing more than to hang religion out to dry and blow away. The so-called cultural elites have been working 24x7 to drive God out of American life for years and they see this election as another opportunity to persecute God fearing people (the majority of the United States). Once again, the premise for their argument is based on lies, distortions and ridicule.
Here's what they are saying about those who voted for the President:
Which raises the question: Can a people that believes more fervently in the Virgin Birth than in evolution still be called an Enlightened nation? - Gary Wills, New York Times
The history of the last four years shows that red state types, above all, do not want to be told what to dothey prefer to be ignorant. As a result, they are virtually unteachable. - Jane Smiley, Slate
W.s presidency rushes backward, stifling possibilities, stirring intolerance, confusing church with state, blowing off the world, replacing science with religion, and facts with faith. Were entering another dark age, more creationist than cutting edge, more premodern than postmodern. Instead of leading America to an exciting new reality, the Bushies cocoon in a scary, paranoid, regressive reality. Their new health-care plan will probably be a return to leeches. - Maureen Dowd
President Bush isn't a conservative. He's a radical - the leader of a coalition that deeply dislikes America as it is. Part of that coalition wants to tear down the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt, eviscerating Social Security and, eventually, Medicare. Another part wants to break down the barriers between church and state. And thanks to a heavy turnout by evangelical Christians, Mr. Bush has four more years to advance that radical agenda. - Paul Krugman - New York Times
Ideology was enforced as theology, turning nonconformity into sin, and the faithful, following voter guides with biblical literalism, were shepherded to the polls as though to the rapture. White Protestants, especially in the south, especially married men, gave their souls and votes for flag and cross. The campaign was one long revival. Abortion and stem cell research became a lever for prying loose white Catholics - Sidney Blumenthal, The Guardian ( Note to Sidney. These religions already believed that homosexuality and abortion are sins)
Add to this the petulant questioning of the separation of church and state on CNN and MSNBC the last several nights.
In their typical desire to spin the truth and lay blame, it's inconceivable and unforgivable that the mainstream media has launched an unfounded attack on religion. It is the elitist media and arrogant academia that hate America as it is and they can't stand that the majority finally stood up and was counted.
These "progressives" overlook the fact that ALL of the campaign issues were moral (values) issues:
- jobs
- health care
- war
- national defense
- caring for the elderly
- a fair judiciary
- the environment
- educating our children
It doesn't take a Harvard graduate or even a Washington Post op/ed writer to see that the divide is most evident in the geographic distribution of our population.

It's the cities, borders, and universities opposing the rest of America. The media outlets are centered in our largest cities that view and present a narrow and minority view of American culture that incites and misguides freedom loving Americans.
Ultimately the election came down to who Americans trust to promote and protect their interests.
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