Book Review: The Cat Who Went Underground
In this volume of the Cat Who series, Qwilleran decides to spend the summer in the cabin in Moose County. It's been two years since he had stayed in the cabin, and since he had inherited the Klingenshoen estate. Once there, Qwill decides that the cabin isn't big enough for 3 and commences to find a worthy carpenter to build the "East Wing". As Moose Countie's weathiest busybody, Qwill meets a spiritualist, a strange girl with strang eyes, and several odd carpeters, and one psycho plumber. The problem with the addition to the cabin is that his carpenters keep disappearing. Will Qwill ever get the East Wing?
As with the other books in the series, Koko and Yum Yum as always adding yicks and yowls to the story and dropping clues for which it takes Qwill the whole book to decipher.
I really enjoy this series, and enjoyed the Cat Who Went Underground, although I have to admit the ending was, while a suprise, a bit anticlimactic.
The book is entertaining, and well written. Lilian Jackson Braun never fails to push the corners of my mouth in an upward direction.
I give the Cat Who Went Underground 4 out of 5 bookmarks.
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