CSPAN airs R rated material!
Who'd a thunk it? It's true though. I was sitting in the dentists office this morning and to my amazement, CSPAN broadcast the MediaWise video game report card collage that contains enough foul language, sexual themes, and nudity to have earned it an R rating. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the games they actually showed. But I also don't want my kids playing them, let alone getting a whiff of them watching CSPAN! Not only did they play this thing at 9am, they replayed it at least 3 times today and posted the complete video on their web site! The hypocracy of a media watch dog pining about what gets broadcast and what our kids are exposed to, while exposing millions to the very thing they are trying to keep away from kids is stunning.... I sat in stunned silence while Sen. Leiberman spoke about how troubling the Janet Jackson incident was, only about 30 minutes after springing The Guy Game, Grand Theft Auto; San Andreas, and Leisure Suit Larry, Magna Cum Laude on us. Oddly enough, the web site for the Guy Game censors it's screenshots and has an age verification screen, as does Leisure Suit Larry...
Don't take my word for it... go to the CSPAN web site and play the video yourself - while it's still there.
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