holly 111.jpg
Nobody can truly give a good reason for posting this on the web, can they? No knock on this girl, but not her most flattering moment.
So this is one of the many things I don't understand about the world.
UPDATE: I was completely wrong. This is a shot that can't be reasoned.... I can't even bare to post the image.
So this is one of the many things I don't understand about the world.
UPDATE: I was completely wrong. This is a shot that can't be reasoned.... I can't even bare to post the image.
I surfed that photostream and I am truly apalled. Welcome to the American majority, I guess. I can't understand why most of those pictures were even taken, much less uploaded to the internet (and the stream made public). I don't want to sound too insulting to these people but there is a recurring theme in all of the pictures.
This one is even less flattering than the one you have chosen to post.
Gotta love that fast food, eh?
But who the hell am I to say? They all look very happy and I generally tend to be miserable. Maybe they know something I don't.
I hear what you're saying. I've wondered if my quality of life wouldn't be better if I were one of the "happy but dumb" crowd.
BTW - starting some new psychotropic fun today. Off the Effexor again onto Wellbutrin,Lexapro and Clonazepam. Doc told me to take the day off when I start the Clonazepam... we'll see. I'm probably going to wind up with liver damage or a chemical labotomy before this is all done.
Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy your visits.
Oh man, what a cocktail. Sorry the effexor didn't work out. I know what you mean about the liver damage concern. I always looked up as much info as I could on the different meds and combos. Most of the info was way over my head but for the most part I was a pretty well educated patient. Some docs seem to appreciate that and others get annoyed.
I've read that there is a test that can be done to determine if one is more likely to expirience liver damage from these drugs. I hardly remember much about it but it has to do with one particular enzyme and not everyone has the same difficulties. Of course the test is never offered to you as a patient.
I'm so bad that even knowing the facts I still continued to drink while taking my meds. Yeah, I'm not the brightest bulb. LOL
Hang in there and good luck with it. If I had insurance I'd probably give meds another try. I still have my moments. I've been thinking about trying fish oil but that can be quite expensive too.
Does your mood improve with the warmer weather? If so, let's hope for an early spring! ;-)
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