Saturday, May 13, 2006


When a tree is young, it's branches are flexible, green, and can bend to an amazing degree without breaking. The young tree is able to adapt to changes forced upon it, grow around them.

After many years, the tree may have scars from pruning and weather. It may also have it's own ecosystem, birds, insects, and even smaller plants growing on and in it. Many, many things have that have grown to depend on this strong, mature tree.

There are times then when the mature tree comes under stress. Sometimes from disease. Other times the the elements inflict damage to it's limbs, roots, leaves; the very things that provide sustinance to the trees life.

And then there are times were those who depend on this tree, the ecosystem, assault the tree from all sides, making it's root system weak and it's limbs brittle. And even though those plants and insects and birds depend on the tree for their own sustenance, they smother it, slowly choking the life out of it. No longer can it's branches bend and with much less force, it's branches break and eventually it becomes uprooted and dies.

Brace the sapling keeping it upright, but not so much as to make it dependent on support. Take care to prune the tree as it's dormant, to encourage new growth. Cleanse harmfull insects from it to prevent rot. Be mindful for disease, as evidenced in it's leaves. Frighten away harmful birds, whom would otherwise cause damage. Do these things, and your tree will grow a deep root system; provide shade; support a healthy ecosystem, and live a long life.

Who is the tree in your family? Are you mindful to their health and needs? If not, you may be jeapordizing their ecosystem and yourself in the process.

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