Monday, November 28, 2005

You people have been busy

You people have been busy
Originally uploaded by ddurbin123.
It's that time of year again. I wasn't in the mood last year and this year is shaping up the same way. How do you people do it? It's friggin December this week and every year seems like a more slippery slope than the prior.

What get's people in the Christmas spirit? I sure as shit haven't felt it in years. I can't remember the last time I looked at Christmas as more than a few days off and an enormous expense.

I lie. I remember what it felt like as a child to wait in anticipation for what things would be under the tree. Mind you, we didn't have enough money to keep a decent fire burning for 5 seconds, but I still approached each Christmas with wide eyed optimism.

I found beauty and awe in celebrating the birth of Christ (I wasn't Catholic then either). I watched every Christmas show, commercial or religious. My Mother had a spooky little elf that she would position somewhere in the house and I really believed that the damn thing was watching me to see if I was being good or bad.

I've wondered if my kids feel any of the wonder and awe of Christmas that I did at their age, or if they see it as time off and a chance for boodle.

I need a change. I need to find myself. I want to recapture some of what I've lost. Not just Christmas, but in life.

1 comment:

beetle said...

Bah humbug! Really, I hear ya.
We're boycotting Xmas this year all together. It's so much pressure on everyone to go out and spen money... too much money. That's not what it's supposed to be about. And yet that's what it has become. Just a big guiltrip to put people further in debt.

That's how I feel about the "holidays". I'm not really Christian so, that whole part of it is kind of lost on me. But I do believe that it should be about being with people that you care about.

Don't mean to junk up your blog with my ramblings. Your post just hit a chord.

Xmas is for kids. They are the ones who can still get it. We grow up we get so tired and jaded from the "real world".

Try to make it nice for you kids. That's what matters.