Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What is today?

I always feel that way when I stay home sick. Actually, I haven't stayed home sick in years. But I lose track of time. Somehow laying around the house must trick my mind into thinking it's a weekend.

We received a call from our Marine tonight. His ship is off the coast of Sri Lanka currently. Since his job is to load and land helicopters, he's been extremely busy the last week. He sounded in good spirits and reported only seeing a dead monkey, elephant and lots of junk floating in the water. So much for the reports of no animals dying from the tsunami.

He reported that they spent hours sorting through the MRE's (Meal Ready to Eat) removing all those with pork contents. Strangly, he also said that the Marines were eating food from the local area. I didn't ask why it was that they had to send their MRE's onshore, yet eat the local food. Anyway, he said so far it tastes bad.

My daughter stayed home today too, except I think her excuse was to take a "mental health" day, as nothing seemed to be physically wrong. She really seems to be struggling with the transition to middle school. I think one of the biggest issues is that school starts an hour earlier now, but I could be wrong. Twelve year old girls are complex. Hell, girls of any age are a complex. And since she's the only one we have out of four children, she breaks new ground for us each day.

I watched alot of news today. Depending on where you're at in California, you're either burried under 20 feet of snow or the most rain since what, 1918? So now the landslides are making news again in So Cal. God forbid they get a significant earthquake now. There's also flooding in Utah, Indiana, and Ohio. They're also saying that flooding is likely in the Chicago area over the next few days. Other things in the news, albeit much less intersting, was Bush's nomination of Chertoff as Director of Homeland Security (which seems like a big compromise) and the ongoing violence in Iraq.

An interesting story is the upcoming showdown between an iceberg and a glacier off antartica's coast. The article says the crash could be so big it might be seen from space. So now I'm wondering that if this collision has the potential to cause another tsunami. It's felt that either large chunks of ice may break into the sea, or the "tongue" of the glacier will shear off. Either way, it would seem that there would be a large displacement of water. It's probably me just watching too much TV.

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