Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I hired someone today.

My little company grew by one more soul today to a total of 22. I always feel good after hiring someone. New employees give me a sense of satisfaction and hope. Especially when I think of how they are leaving someplace that may not have been fulfilling their needs and we now have that chance to give them that opportunity. Almost without exception, each one looks forward to being able to "make a difference", to "contribute", and almost without exception each of their predecessors have.

Since we'd already hired most of my friends and past associates, I had to track this one down from scratch. I engaged four professional recruiters (headhunters), and suffered their ineptitude for almost two months. The main reason for using recruiters was that I was too busy to do it myself. But seeing that we were only getting busier and the recruiters weren't recruiting, I broke down and bought a subscription to In one evening I found five times as many qualified candidates as I'd received in two months. Within a week, I had four coming in to interview. I hired one tonight, and will hopefully hire another by Monday.

Life is good.

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